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The Measurement Life Cycle concept expresses the belief that the measurement methods may change over time as one learns and improves the process. For example, measurement may start on a product characteristic to establish stability and capability of the process. This may lead to an understanding of critical process control characteristics that directly affect the part characteristics. Dependency on part characteristic information becomes less and the sampling plan may be reduced to signify this understanding (five parts per hour sample reduced to one part per shift). Also, the method of measurement may change from a CMM measurement, to some form of attribute gaging. Eventually it may be found that very little part monitoring may be required as long as the process is maintained or measuring and monitoring the maintenance and tooling may be all that is needed. The level of measurement follows the level of process understanding.

Most of the measuring and monitoring could eventually end up at suppliers of incoming material. The same measurement, on the same characteristic, at the same area of the process, over an extensive period of time is evidence of a lack of learning or a stagnant measurement process.

source Measurement Life Cycle: Analysis of measurement systems

Post Author: ghaemi mohammad

This site has been established to provide updated and specialized information in the field of quality management systems and to share my experiences in the field of conformity assessment and promotion and promotion of this science.

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