calibration, metrology

Instrumental drift

Instrumental drift is continuous incremental change over time in indication, due to changes in metrological properties of a measuring instrument.
Posted on 1402/12/08 0


Calibration, operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties
Posted on 1402/12/05 0

Metrological traceability

Metrological traceability, property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken
Posted on 1402/12/03 0


Most measurements are based on indications provided by measuring instruments or measuring systems. An indication (e.g. an instrument signal or
Posted on 1402/11/28 0
Primary reference measurement procedure

Primary reference measurement procedure

Primary reference measurement procedure used to obtain a measurement result without relation to a measurement standard for a quantity of
Posted on 1402/11/26 0

Preliminary to making a measurement

Before making a measurement, the quantity must be clearly defined, bearing in mind the purpose for which the experimental result
Posted on 1402/11/25 0

International System of Quantities

International System of Quantities is that system of quantities based on the seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current,
Posted on 1402/11/22 0
calibration, metrology

System of quantities

System of quantities , set of quantities together with a set of non-contradictory equations relating those quantities. In practice, it
Posted on 1402/11/22 0