QMSys GUM uncertainty calculation software

QMSys GUM Software is a comprehensive software tool for analyzing the measurement uncertainty of physical measurement systems, chemical analysis and calibration, and is suitable for all types of calibration and test laboratories, government institutions, universities, designers, production engineers, testing And …. Is. This software uses three powerful methods to calculate measurement uncertainty:

The GUM uncertainty framework for:

Linear models
Non-linear models and
Monte Carlo method.

QMSys GUM software versions are fully compliant with official standards, regulations and guidelines, such as:

ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 (GUM:1995) Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
ISO / IEC Guide 98-3: 2008 / Suppl. 1: 2008 Supplement 1 to “GUM” – Propagation of Distributions Using the Monte Carlo Method”
ANSI / NCSL Z540.2 U.S. Guide to Expressing Uncertainty in Measurement
EA-4/02 Expression of measurement uncertainty in calibration
DAkkS-DKD-3 Expression of measurement uncertainty in calibration
UKAS M3003 Expression of uncertainty and level of confidence in measurement
EURACHEM / CITAC Guide CG 4 Quanticing Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement
VDA Band 5 Measurement of Process Suitability
ASME PTC 19.1-2005 Test Uncertainty
ISO 14253-1 – Decision rules for proving conformity or nonconformity to specifications
ANSI B89.7.3.1 – Guidelines for Decision Making: Considering Measurement Uncertainty in Determining Conformance to Specifications
EURACHEM – Using uncertainty information in conformity assessment
In addition, software versions also improve the accuracy of results even in cases not described in GUM and GUM Supplement 1, for example non-normal (non-Gaussian) distributed input values; Correlated input values with limited degrees of freedom; Considers non-linear models with non-distributed input values.

This software is equipped with many useful and valuable features. The most important of them are:

Direct and indirect methods of observation, an unlimited number of input and output values, and a large number of possible distributions
Expert analysis that performs advanced model analysis and determines the appropriate methods for the following calculation for uncertainty
Regression analysis and calculation of extended uncertainty equation for specific range
Probability distribution of result values and coverage factor calculation
Validation of the results of the GUF method with the help of the Monte Carlo method
Validation of Monte Carlo method results
Unlimited number of input and output values
Histogram chart and statistical evaluation of sampled data
A large number of possible distributions for the input variables
Common Monte Carlo trials from 10,000 to 1,000,000
Approaches to optimize measurement methods and minimize the uncertainty of new and existing measurement processes
The user can create existing templates or create new templates for uncertainty reports using a new text editor, for example in Microsoft Word.
Regular updates
Multilingual and flexible and user-friendly interface
Professional customer support

Validation of this software was done by Qualisyst Ltd by solving examples presented in international guides (such as GUM, Supplement 1 to the GUM, EA-4/02, DAkkS-DKD-3 and EURACHEM/CITAC Guide CG 4) and records It has been placed on the company’s website, so there is no need to re-authenticate it by the user.

This software has the ability to display uncertainty budgets and report the output in any .

Target groups:
Test laboratories
Calibration laboratory
government institutions
Design, production and test engineers

Email us to get the software

Validation of this software by Qualisyst Ltd company is done by solving examples presented in international guides (such as GUM, Supplement 1 to the GUM, EA-4/02, DAkkS-DKD-3 and EURACHEM/CITAC Guide CG 4). and its records have been placed on the company’s website, so there is no need to re-authenticate it by the user. The cost of purchasing these different editions of this software is specified by its manufacturer based on the number of users in the table below.

Our price

Read the installation guide